skin & body care



Benefits include:

  • washes away impurities without stripping or drying the skin’s natural barrier

  • calming agents help soothe and purify the skin


Steaming 10-15 minutes assists in loosening up dirt and debris in the pores on our skin for easier extractions and cleansing. It is especially recommended for those with oily skin or stubborn blackheads. Freshly cleaned out pores are better able to absorb the products used to treat the skin. The warm steam can also aid in relaxing for the facial.

Not recommended for:

  • sensitive skin

  • clients with rosacea


Benefits include:

  • removes dulling surface debris and evens out skin tone

  • reveals brighter, smoother skin

  • resurfaces and deep cleanses for smooth skin

  • absorbs impurities and detoxifies pores


Facial massages are recommended every 3-4 weeks for multiple benefits. When the muscles on your face tense up, they are more likely to harbor wrinkles, which is why they need to be massaged out regularly. For oily and acne-prone skin, it’s best to keep it to under 10 minutes. For normal to dry skin, no longer than 20 minutes is necessary.

Benefits include:

  • encourages detoxification and lymphatic drainage

  • reduces inflammation and swelling

  • increases blood circulation & oxygen flow to skin and facial muscles

  • aids in production of collagen

  • relieves stress that may make face appear dull and aged


Masks are customized with each facial based on the client’s current skin condition, and the results they desire.
See our CARE page for the full description of our masks and their individual benefits.


Sunscreen is a MUST product for the health of our skin. Sunscreen should be at least an SPF 30, and is recommended to cover both UVA and UVB rays (broad spectrum). Sun or not, sunscreen should be worn 365 days in the year. Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes prior to seeing sun, and reapplied as stated, or at least every 80 minutes, when actively in the sun.

Benefits include:

  • aging preventions

  • lowers risk of skin cancer

  • shields skin from harmful UV rays

  • prevents skin pigmentation


DMK is the only company in the world to utilize the beneficial effects of transfer-messenger enzymes.
Enzymes are living substances that regulate health and work with certain minerals in the body to form a natural system of antioxidants that fight corrosive free radicals. Properly formulated, they can remove dead protein, toxins, and other effluvia from the epidermis using a process called ‘reverse osmosis.’
DMK Enzyme Treatments work with the skin. The enzymes aim to strengthen the structural integrity of the skin to create a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive.